
Saturday, October 17, 2020

What About the Issues?

Let’s start today with a passage of scripture. 

Proverbs 1:20  Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice;  

21 at the head of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:

22 “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge? (ESV)

Today we will discuss issues. What about all those political ads we are bombarded with on tv? Should we give any regard to them?  The short answer is: No! Many of the ads are outright lies. The rest may or may not contain actual truth. So don’t pay attention to them! They are meant to confuse you enough to vote their way. Personally, I keep my remote handy, and hit the ‘mute’ button whenever these ads come on. 

For this election there is only one issue. 

Take a quick look around the country. Think about which states are having the most problems right now. Look at the ones who don’t have enough electricity, the ones who are burning from riots and civil unrest, the ones who have repressive and arbitrary lockdown restrictions. It is these very same states which are supposed to be the most enlightened, have the most concern about the environment, and are, ideally, the least racist. If their states are so great, why are they having all these problems? Why are people leaving them in droves? Something doesn’t add up. 

“….Wisdom cries in the streets….”

The fact is, in these states, the Democrat representatives have worked to put in place a socialistic agenda that is the antithesis of everything our forefathers fought and died for. They are attempting to rewrite our history under their own terms to minimize, or discount entirely the great heritage we are heirs to. Our forefathers were not perfect, that is true. The present crop of Democrat politicians are less so, for they are both hypocrites and liars. They hinder legislation designed to help Americans in this time of pandemic, and then scream and whine at the President for going around them via executive order.  They plot behind the scenes to destroy his Presidency, then use their own operatives in the courts to obstruct investigators trying to get to the truth. That’s not all they have done. Were I to enumerate all their crimes, the hours would seem like days! I hope that, by now, most of their ineptitudes are common knowledge. 

We can easily see it is the Democrats who are the ‘simple ones’ mentioned in the Proverb above. They have little to offer, except empty promises and the desire for raw power. (For themselves, not you.) Their policies convey no hope, for, as everyone knows, socialism is a dead-end system of economics. There is no room in their agenda for individual thought or respect for people, only categorization and polarization of victims, as in race, feminism, repressed, displaced, and so on. 

The issue at stake in this election can be expressed in one word. Liberty. Do you want to remain free? Do you want a nation that will continue to be ‘of the people, by the people and for the people?’ Do you want the Bill of Rights to remain in place, with all its protections against government incursions into your life? To do so means we must overwhelmingly vote against the Democrat party at every level. Upon our nation’s founding we fought a war to secure our independence. In a few days we will fight at the ballot box to secure a future for our children.

They are strong, they are well financed, and they have the support of just about every media outlet. But guess what? The election will not be decided by them. It will be decided by you, for you are the same rational, law-loving, patriotic Americans who go to work every day, worship at their local church, and raise their children to be decent, God-fearing adults. And, oh, yea, you vote, too. In case you didn’t know, (for Christians are never considered in the national media), we outnumber them! 

“...How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing….” 

If we, as Christians, unleash our power at the polls. Their scoffing will end on November 3rd. 

Rise and be counted! I plan on doing just that. Will you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Like the Scripture says, "fools hate knowledge". Pray for this country, the election and for justice. (Can anyone say laptop?)
