God always has an order of priorities when dealing with man. Likewise, he sets priorities in dealing with nations, too. That means every nation should do the same.
What are the national priorities for the United States of America? Those priorities are easily lost amidst the smoke and mirrors, claims and counter-claims, and back and forth sniping between candidates at every level as we approach this election.
But, it turns out the founders of our country not only had them, but laid them out clearly for everyone to see. First, from the Declaration of Independence:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”
Jefferson’s priorities for the new nation look like this:
First, and foremost. God. He is the Creator. He is the guarantor and giver of those unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Thus He stands as the top priority of our nation, and is the only Power worthy of our worship.
Second. God’s highest creation. Man. It is man who was given volition, a body and a mind. Thus he can use those facilities to work and make a life for himself and his family. Man cannot exist for very long in an environment where there is no right or wrong. He is at his best when he, as an agent of free will, voluntarily chooses to serve God, for that produces the longest lasting, and most stable family structure, and stable families make for a stable society.
Third. Government. Hence the phrase “...deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Government ranks below the individual in the order of priorities.
Now we see that our system was in fact, unique among all other nations in history. For none of them were founded as we were.
What about the Constitution? Does it carry similar priorities? Let’s see:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
In the very first sentence of the First Amendment is codified that priority. What does it mean? A couple of things. That the United States will never establish a national church, neither will it hinder the free expression of Christianity.
Now I am going to state this priority in my own words.
The individual doing the will of God is superior to the state. Likewise, churches which preach the gospel and train their members to be Christian leaders are superior to the state. Why is this? Because ultimately we are eternal beings, and one day this physical body will fall away, but our souls will go on forever. Our nation will not. It is temporary and earth-bound. By allowing the church free reign, the citizens of this nation would continually be reminded of that fact, and act accordingly. Our national character is distinctively Christian. Our Founders understood this, and saw firsthand the results of a thriving and influential church. They also had keen insight into human nature, especially in terms of government. In constructing our first amendment this way, the Founders were taking a preventative measure to curtail the federal government from unbridled excess, as they had just experienced with the king of England. Extricating themselves from George’s arbitrary use of power cost them many lives and much bloodshed.
All other rights fall from this one. Think about it. Why do we have freedom of speech and the press? So people can proclaim their faith from one generation to the next. Why freedom of assembly? Because Christians are commanded to meet. But then, if Christians are allowed to meet, then why shouldn’t everyone be allowed to do the same? People who frequent a business are meeting, aren’t they? As are those eating at a restaurant. I’m talking about peaceful gatherings here. Riots are not meetings, they are criminal activities. Why are we guaranteed the right to redress the government? To keep that same government in check, lest it continually overstep its bounds and misuse its power.
Their vision was based on a profound truth. When people are better the nation gets stronger. Don’t let anyone fool you! We are not strong because of our military, or our technology, or our highway system, our economics, or anything else, other than the strength of our character. That character was bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus on the Cross.
As we think about the upcoming election, let us weigh the candidates in the scales presented by our founding documents. What are their beliefs concerning God? Do they rightly place Him above all? Do they act according to His will? What about their attitude toward you? The citizen? Are they working to increase your freedoms? Or hinder them? Or remove them altogether? Last of all, do they consider themselves to be superior to you? Or do they put you and your first amendment rights above them? Pick the candidate who best fulfills these criteria, not the one who makes the biggest promises.
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