We have two passages of scripture for consideration today. Both are from Matthew chapter 6:
19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (ESV)
Jesus is speaking here. This is a continuation of his Sermon on the Mount, which began in the previous chapter. In the sermon, he lays out the attitudes of those who would work to further the kingdom of God. The focus of his statements is straightforward. Anyone can grasp their meaning. Life here on earth is physical and temporary. Life in heaven is forever. Let’s face it, this body must fall away at some point. Our souls, which are immortal, will ultimately reside in one of two places. Heaven or Hell. Those who serve God are admonished to maintain an attitude that is geared primarily toward that eternal future, not the temporary one.
The same attitude must prevail when we consider money and riches. It is a far better thing to work for treasures that do not go away. Contrast that with those who gather wealth for themselves, then die. What happens to those riches? Are they of any help in the life beyond? No. Physical accoutrements, like our bodies, must remain earth-bound. Jesus put it this way: “Their reward is with them.” He was speaking of those who strive only for riches, and the praise of men. Sure, they get their reward. Now. But that’s as far as it goes. His conclusion is: “You cannot serve God and money.” How can someone claim to be a follower of Christ when their thoughts are constantly geared toward some form of financial remuneration? Divided allegiances do not work.
The point is that Jesus wants us to evaluate ourselves to make sure our allegiance and motivation is in the right place.
Jesus’ message was successful. His disciples and the early Christians were stalwart in their courage and dedication. From the disciples, when they were brought before the Sanhedrin saying, “We ought to obey God rather than men,” to Stephen and onward to Paul and the succeeding generations, Christianity has been characterized by people of great integrity and character. Christians of the past, and those of the present as well, are internally motivated to do his will because they are convinced by the truthfulness of Jesus’ words, His life and His resurrection.
The question I want to ask, and hopefully try to answer is this: Do Jesus’ statements apply only to the spiritual realm and Christian ministry, or might they have other applications too? The answer is an enthusiastic yes! What are the hallmarks of any great society? Emphasis on truth and honesty. Faithfulness, peacefulness and forgiveness and all the other qualities engendered by a love for scripture. Any culture that wishes to achieve great things must have citizens of the same kind of character and responsibility.
What about politics? Particularly, American politics. Historically we have had men of courage, discipline and character to lead our country. Often these same men sacrificed their own fortunes and future because of their commitment to something greater than themselves. They enshrined their beliefs in what are the two greatest documents outside of the Holy Scriptures created by man. The Declaration, and the Constitution. Every senator who is elected to office must take this oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Every government official must go on record that they are willing to put our nation and its laws above their own personal ambitions and gain. That is what the great men of the past have done. That is not necessarily true today. How low have our elected representatives fallen! Especially when they raise their hands and recite what to them are mere words, and then work incessantly against the very Document they have sworn to uphold. Take a look at the current set of politicians who want your vote. Ask yourself if they are willing to fight and die for that Document that is above them in all respects. Ask yourself if they are willing to deny themselves in order to uphold those same strictures. Find out if they are more concerned with maintaining the integrity of that law for future generations, or if they are lying, and working to use the power of their office to line their own pockets with money from various intrigues and influence peddling. That is illegal by the way. I’m not talking about a little cash here and there, I’m talking about millions and millions of dollars.
If a politician, particularly one who is vying for the highest office in the land, is just in it for himself, do you honestly think he will work what is best for you? Do you think he will consider your rights and freedoms above his own? Of course not! This man is not worthy to become President of the United States. The incumbent he is running against, it turns out, has sacrificed much to stand against the party of anarchy, riots, lawlessness and endless sniping. Let us support him. Let us work to un-elect those who are against him, and all who are of the party that would feign to serve you, but are actually in it for themselves.
Vote for the future, not the now.
You are right! Here we are 2 days before the election at a crossroad, are we going to continue on with a man that has put his business interests on the back burner and has fought for us and against the deep state or do we choose a man that will be controlled by the deep state and put his financial interests in front of the American people.