
Friday, October 2, 2020

They Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

Today we will discuss motive. Every action people take, and every reaction to that action by others, is driven, often unconsciously, by some sort of motive. For many people, and in most situations these motives are benign.  Take a buyer and seller at the marketplace. Each of them has a desire. The seller, to maximize profits, and the buyer, to minimize expenditures. The agreed upon price is that which meets both criteria. If such cannot be achieved, either party is free to walk away. 

In criminal cases the prosecution is under a mandate to provide motive for the defendant’s behavior, otherwise the case will fall apart. Means as well. Motive and means will ultimately be the criteria by which the jury will determine guilt or innocence. In a court trial it is extremely rare for a defendant to give their motives for a particular crime. If they were to do so, it would incriminate them. So they will try to mask that motive for as long as possible. Why do you think so many crimes are committed at night? Fewer people are awake, or around to see. 

John 3: 19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” (ESV)

The same is true on the state and national stage. As they say, “Nothing happens by accident in politics.” Every action taken, every motion, every rule, every regulation, and every tax is driven by some internal motive the politicians do not want to make clear, otherwise they will be booted out of office. 

There are a couple of ways that those in politics can prevent their activities from seeing the light of day. One is a straight cover up. Deny, deny deny, and hope it goes away. Another would be to apply smoke and mirrors to the situation. Actively create disturbances in other areas to keep the spotlight off them.  

Now we come to the current political situation. Many will call it ‘divisive’and ‘unproductive’ because the rifts between our national parties could not be any greater. There is, in my opinion, a reason for that. The problem is almost completely on one side of the aisle. I believe I know the reason and motive. 

In the run up to the last election we have the incompetent heir apparent to the party of the Democrats set against a scrappy, non politician businessman. Sometime during the election year, and continuing after, rumors of ‘Russian interference’ started. This ‘scandal’ was endlessly promoted against the scrappy businessman, who won the election. Shortly thereafter, impeachment proceedings began. Was there any ‘Russian collusion’? No. The charges were a complete fabrication. We have not yet heard the end of it all yet. Some indictments have already been handed down, but more information surfaces every day. A few people, more knowledgeable than myself, have written books on the subject. It is the most scandalous raw grab for power in our nation’s history.  This was, in fact, a coup attempt. It was conceived, planned and implemented at the highest levels of the previous administration, and carried out by their minions in various intelligence services. This, my friends, is Treason. 

Can you not see why the Democrats have gone full in for socialism and communism? Can you now see why they let their cities burn and do nothing? When they could? Can you also understand why they are going in all the way with mail in ballots? The plan is to so obfuscate the results, they can continue down the path they are on. They have already stated they will not accept the results if Trump wins. They can't! If they lose, the indictments will continue, and a number of them will face prison time, or worse. We all know the penalty for treason, don’t we? Their actions are so reprehensible that they are past the point of no return, so they cannot do anything but continue. If they win, then all their crimes will be swept under the carpet and go away. 

But, if they win something else goes away along with it. Our country. The Democrats have already demonstrated absolutely no regard for our constitution and the rights it accords. They have shown a willingness to pursue  and encourage violence against the very citizens they were commissioned to protect. Their cities are smoking heaps, with hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, livelihoods destroyed and people dead on the streets. And what do they do? They arrest a few and then let them go, to commit crimes the very next night. Then they call on the police chiefs and ask why crime is so high in their cities! The gall! The pride and arrogance of this party is beyond belief. 

So why do we allow them to continue in power? 

As Christians living in this nation today, we have a unique ability, no, a responsibility to be active in politics. It is we who have the answer, not them. Against their pride we present humility. Against violence, we hold strength of character and common decency. Against their grab for power, we present law and due process. Against their screeching and mindless wailing, we hold up Truth.  

Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world!’

It’s time to let our light shine too. 

Christians! The fate of the nation is in your hands!

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