
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Politics: Four of Hillary's Commercials, a Critique

I am posting this in response to the many Hillary commercials I've seen so far in the election.  To be honest, I've only seen one of Trump's ads.  Evidently she's running scared.  In all fairness, these commercials don't help her chances. 
1:  Her Economic Plan
Soak the Rich.
Her commercial says she is going to make the rich 'finally pay' their fair share.  Finally?  You've got to be kidding  The United States has the second highest corporate tax structure in the world.  These high taxes here have caused thousands of companies to relocate to better places.  That's a lot of business, and tax revenue, that would otherwise still be here.                  
It should be known that the top 10% of earners actually pay about 70% of total taxes.  So how is it they are somehow not paying their fair share?  If anything, they are paying more than that.   
Let's also look at it this way.  Last year the Federal Government took in more revenue than it ever has in its history.  Yet they are still up to their ears in debt.  The real issue is not revenue.  It's spending.  About one and a half billion dollars more than they make.  Every day. 
This brings to mind an interesting fact.  Hilary will not give an answer to how much is 'fair' for the rich to pay.  What percentage?  10?  20?  50?  Or more?  Corporations and the rich aren't paying their fair share, (to her, anyway) and no matter how much they are currently taxed, it's somehow still not enough. 
She offers nothing in terms of incentive for the creation of new businesses, or to keep them from moving overseas, except to punish them.  This punishment money, which will apparently be a lot, will be put to use somehow 'creating jobs'.  May I say that anytime a politician says they are going to 'create jobs' they are lying?  Politicians only create government jobs, which means they have to take (read, steal) money from hard working people and give it to bureaucrats, and that's a good percentage of the problems our economy faces today.
All this policy will do, should she be elected, is to hasten the exit of corporations overseas, they will bow out before getting hit by the fines. 
But the government can do some things to help the economy and promote business.  How about addressing the high corporate tax rate?  What if they lowered it?  Wouldn't that work to help keep jobs here rather than have them move overseas?  Wouldn't a low tax environment possibly attract business from foreign places too?  And, wouldn't more companies here would translate into new jobs? The economics is quite simple.
What about the EPA?  Last year they issued something like eleven thousand new regulations.  Every regulation should be considered a tax because it costs companies money and time.  Higher costs for businesses translate into higher costs to consumers, or lower income for employees.  Or both.
Last of all, why didn't she address the real issue at hand?  The drastic rise in size and scope of the Federal Government?  Wouldn't taking steps to control spending at the top send a message to the country that the government is willing to do its part too?  She has no commercials to that effect. 
2.  Her Plan for Technological Supremacy. 
Hey, let's put up a lot of solar panels! 
Yea.  That's going to give us technological superiority.  Some problems here.  The sun doesn't always shine.  Funny how she doesn't understand that simple fact.  There will be hours, lots of them, in which these panels will be useless.  Plus, as other countries are learning.  It's nice to think that making a bunch of solar panels will save the world, but this is very expensive electricity.  Many times higher than the cost of gas, coal, or nuclear power.  I'm not saying that solar is not a good way to go.  It may be the wave of the future, but for now, and the near term, we should go with and continue to develop the cheaper sources of energy for electricity.  That's what our infrastructure has been created  to handle.  We have enormous reserves of coal, gas and nuclear material,  enough to power our country for hundreds of years.  The best course of action is to let research continue on solar and other alternative types of power, while allowing companies to further develop our present types of energy. 
Forcing a sea change of power on the country is unwise when there are obvious problems with the new technology and great benefits from the existing set up. 
Another thought.  Where will she get the money?  Of course, from all those corporations that are moving overseas!  Governments do not make money.  They take it from others.  Economists know that for every dollar taken by taxation, the private sector loses one and a half to two dollars.  That's because the money has to be spread out through the governmental bureaucracy, whereas private sector companies often have few or no layers. 
3.  Steady Leadership
From the woman who brought you Benghazi. 
Records indicate that the embassy made requests several times for extra security because they had hints that something was going to happen.  These were ignored.  And, when the attack began, resources which the US had in hand were not called in to help.  Rather they were ordered to stand down.  Once the magnitude of the attack was known she lied, saying the attack was a reaction to a YouTube video criticizing Islam, which had hit the weekend before.  It couldn't be, the attack had already been planned by that time.   When hearings were called to investigate the matter she lied again, and again and again. 
Benghazi is not the only scandal involving her performance.
The current investigation centers around her treatment of classified emails and top secret information on her computer.  When she wasn't feigning ignorance she simply lied, again and again and again.  She has lied so much it makes one wonder if she ever actually tells the truth. 
Here we have a blindingly incompetent woman, who rose to power on her husband's coat-tails.  Who eventually made it to the House of Representatives, accomplishing nothing of merit for her time there.  Then, as Secretary of State, well, we all know how that turned out. 
So her campaign is one of obfuscation and - lies.  One could no doubt find a more competent individual by randomly selecting a name out of the phone book. 
4.  Her Critique of Trump's Shirts
First, she stole a spot from the Letterman show about the shirts without his permission.  So she had to make a new commercial.
In the spots she claims his shirts, and other clothing items, are being made in a dozen foreign countries.  This is in spite of the fact that his tag slogan is "Make America Great Again."  So what is my answer to this?  Big deal.  It is most likely that Macy's approached Trump about a line of shirts based on his style.  Trump doesn't design them, other people do that.  He approves their work, probably making suggestions along the way.  It is doubtful that Trump specifies the manufacturing either.  Macy's picked the places where they could get the best deal, in terms of price and quality, for them.  Is this somehow evil, or un-American?  Of course not.  It is in the best interest for a company to maximize effeciency.  And even though these shirts are made in another country, the profits go to American corporations and employees as well. 
When we say "America First" it doesn't mean we will only deal within the boundaries of our fifty states and territories.  Rather, it means we will closely maintain the ideals that made our nation great in the first place, and not compromise them. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Getting Your Book Published: The Cover

Last week I got the artwork for the cover of my book.  I relayed to you before that I had sent the description in weeks ago, at the beginning of the process.  Having to wait while someone else tries to capture a particular vision based on a couple of paragraphs can be exhausting if one were inclined to worry.  I simply held hope that everything would turn out ok.

Guess what?  It kind of did.  The cover was very close to what I had envisioned.  I did not feel it had to be modified at all.  So after one day of consideration, I sent the approval e-mail to my book editor.  Excellent job art department!  I hope that one day I'll get to meet the guy, or girl, or team, who put the picture together and, if possible, interview them.  I like to know how people create things.  It's mysterious.  For now a sigh of relief is in order. 

Right now the book is in the last part of the process, that is, printing, and in another week or so I will be getting a couple of advance copies.  As soon as I do, I will post the cover art here. 

Now we are close, within a couple of weeks of the big reveal.