
Friday, September 11, 2020

The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness

     I am not a prophet. Neither am I the son of a prophet. That doesn’t mean I can’t look around, see what is happening in our country and make informed evaluations. War has been declared, not just physically on our cities, but also on our founding principles and our heritage. 

    I know of no way to eloquently bring this to the forefront, and yet it must be said. 

    This is the last election we will have as a free people. I am going to let that sink in. This is it. We are at the precipice, and are now staring into the void. 

    I am so completely angered by the thought that I must speak out now. Because we do not have to fail. We are knowingly dismantling the most successful and powerful nation in the history of the world. 

    What is it that brings me to this conclusion? Many things. But in this article, I will focus on a single word. Corruption. Specifically, the corruption that has been borne out in the actions of the party of Democrats. 

    Let me lead off with a verse of scripture. 2 Timothy 3:13While evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (ESV) 

    How is it that evil people will go from bad to worse? Very simply, because evil people do not hang out with good ones! Usually they want to take advantage of decent law abiding citizens, not be buddy-buddy with them. Good people will expose their deeds and turn them in to the authorities. 
    Politics has and will always tend to corruption, because they have power over the life of others. Likewise corrupt politicians, and political parties will continually get more corrupt, for the reason I just stated in the previous paragraph. Politics is, as they say, dirty business. But, what about good people in politics? They are absolutely necessary, but it is difficult for them. Sometimes they will back away, not wanting to be exposed to the deleterious effects of the business. Often they are edged out. One thing is obvious. If good people leave an organization because it is corrupt, only the corrupt ones remain. Bad to worse. Just like Paul said. The best analogy I can come up with is that corruption is like a cancerous growth. It must be killed or excised from the body, or else it will destroy the body. 
    The Democrat party, for some time now has gone from bad to worse. Their cities are on fire. Crime is rampant and rising precipitously. They are awash in debt, high taxes and suffocating regulation. Take a look at the states that have been under the control of Democrats for some time. Are they bastions of truth and justice? Are they prospering? Are businesses flourishing? Is fairness and equality the norm? No! Quite the opposite, actually. It doesn’t take much thought to understand that this reality is the result of their policies. However, when what they have proposed fails, do they reverse course? Do they stop and turn around? No. Instead, they double down and exacerbate the problem.
    On the national stage, the situation is worse. The Democrat party has never recognized the legitimacy of the current President. Rather, they have engaged in a non-stop attempt to bring him down. This is in direct violation of their oath of office and the peaceful transition of power. They have also engaged in a campaign of slander and character assassination against the President and those in his cabinet. All of this is obfuscation, a smoke screen to distract the public from their own evils.
But screaming like banshees, making accusations, and attempting to accuse the President of being divisive, only demonstrates their weakness. There is only one group that refuses to play by the rule of law. It is Democrats. Why do they scream and whine like little babies? Because they cannot stand in the public arena and reasonably debate issues. When they do, they lose! They have no sound arguments for their actions. So they attempt to divert our attention elsewhere. 
Let’s take a quick look. The information is in. Lockdowns are a farce. They do not work. They serve very little purpose, except for the government to exercise illegal and arbitrary action against you. Who are they to say that one business is ‘essential’ and another is not? Every business is essential to someone. 
Our Constitution allows us the right to assemble, peacefully. Riots are not peaceful. Rioters are criminals, and they should be arrested and jailed for a very long time. By allowing violence to continue night after night the Democrat mayors are giving tacit approval to their actions. Their national leadership has hinted these will continue, and even get worse after the election, if their candidate does not win. This is an attempt to intimidate voters. As an alternative, they promote mail in ballots, which are easily tampered with, and have zero accountability. This is a smack in the face against liberty and the necessity of one man, one vote. 
I could go on, but others are doing that. My appeal today is to Christians. I want to speak directly to you for several reasons. First, because you know and understand Truth. Second, because you are the moral compass of this nation. Third, because the results of this coming election will be determined by you. 
Aren’t you tired of all this? Haven’t you had enough of Democrats taking away your personal liberties and freedoms? Do you really want our nation to fall into the hands of a party of socialists, communists and their rabble of violence? Then stand with me then against the moral bankruptcy that is the Democrat party. They are strong, yes. They will use illegal means in an attempt to sway the election. They may even use intimidation at the polls to keep you away. 
There is an answer to this situation. In 2 Chronicles we find Solomon, Son of David, building the temple in Jerusalem. Chapters 6 and 7 record the dedication of that edifice. Chapter 6 gives Solomon’s prayer. In it he implores God to “….Judge between your servants, condemning the guilty and bringing down on their heads what they have done, and vindicating the innocent by treating them in accordance with their innocence. (vs 23). In chapter 7 God appeared to Solomon in a dream and reiterates that sentiment.  God said: When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (vs 13 and 14)
I know God is speaking in terms of the world 3,000 years ago, so I will paraphrase and put things in a more modern context. “When all kinds of bad things are happening, if my people….” Prayer is our unique ability to communicate with the God of the universe. To seek His face indicates our desire to understand His wisdom. In New Testament terms we are compared to ‘salt’ and ‘light.’ Salt is a preservative, while light illuminates truth. 
Question. Are not we, as Christians, God’s people? These verses apply to us, too. Notice God does not implore evil people to repent. Why not? Because they are evil! Duh! They have rejected his authority. It is God’s own people who must repent. When they do the right thing, evil cannot stand. 
I will now modify my earlier statement to allow a glimmer of hope. This is the last election we will have as a free people, unless Christians vote e- mass against the manifested corruptions of the Democratic party. They are a cancer and a reproach to our nation. Every iteration of their party at every level must be excised, or they will continue to grow. They must be stopped. Now. Or they will destroy us. 
Vote like the future of the nation depends on it. It does.
     Vote like your very life and continued fortune depends on it. It does.
     Vote like the lives of your children and grandchildren depends on it. It does.


  1. You are right on Garnet. Thanks for sharing this and taking a stand. I believe if the Democrats get in power, free speech, freedom of worship will suffer and Christian churches will be severely persecuted. We must all vote as if our very lives are on the line.

    1. Good to hear from you, Reverend Ed! It's been a while. In my own opinion, everything else falls from freedom of Christianity. If they are muted or censored, why stop there? Let's censor everyone! There are many media outlets who already do that. You're great, man!

    2. OH, sorry it took so long for me to reply. I was out of town for a few days.
