
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sarcasm, Political Ad I Would Like To See

 The setting is an office, with shelves and books all around. 

In the background is a sign that says “Phase 3 3/32.” 

The person is the governor of a state. He is wearing a mask, and talking soothingly. He speaks. Or, at least we think he’s speaking. Can’t see for the mask. 


“I know you’ve been through some tough times recently....

Of course, most of those times were caused by me. Sorry about that.

Oh sure, I didn’t have to do what I did. I could have stood up for you and your freedoms! I could have been a leader, but that wouldn’t do, my party doesn’t allow us to think and come to our own conclusions. Besides, it was just too easy to follow everyone else and abuse my power. It’s exhilarating, actually. 

So I’ve cost a lot of you your jobs and wreaked havoc on the economy. You will recover, or not. Who cares? But hey! I got to order you around like the serfs you are, (really, I only need you to get elected) and low and behold, you fell right in line! Yay for me! 

But look on the bright side, now that the door has been opened, I can take away more of your liberties, any time I want. All I have to say is five little words....*


Oh. I guess that’s more of a bright side for me than you.

It’s great being a Democrat.

Vote for me.” 

*“It’s for your own good.”

1 comment:

  1. Right On, from the Northam kingdom. He embraces killing live babies, but he wants you to wear a mask! *(it's for your own good)
