
Monday, November 1, 2010

Candidate of the Apocalypse

Episode 2: Year: 2036 Late September

Three days later they met again. The teacher tried to mix up the short time they had for class. On alternating days he would teach different subjects. One day would be devoted to the hard sciences including all disciplines associated with mathematics and engineering. Next time he would concentrate on literature, language arts and history. He referred to these as 'higher' subjects because his objective was to inculcate reasoning and critical thinking skills in his students. Teaching in these areas was challenging. Often he would have to make do with his memory: (Prodigious as it was.) particularly with regards to history. Textbooks were non-existant.

His students, of course, remembered his introduction from last time and pressed him to begin.

He nodded: "Let me see, this was quite a while back, Has it really been twenty six years? I haven't spoken his name in quite a while, it was...."

Flashback to March, 2010

"Charles? Are you ready? I'd like to hit lunch a little early. Got a one o'clock today."

The man he was addressing hung up the phone and stood, shaking his head. Reaching for his jacket-it was raining outside-he left the office and fell in step behind his friend.

"Who's driving?" His friend asked.

"You are. I'm paying."

A few minutes later they were sitting at a small diner waiting for their food. Charles was still agitated.
"That's the third vendor in the last month who has bailed on me."
"You have others don't you?"
"Of course, I have about fifty vendors, but that's not the point. This downturn is hitting everyone pretty hard."

From that point on the conversation turned to an oft-referred subject of late: politics. Both men had a strong feeling that the current economic situation was a symptom of worse conditions that the usual ups and downs of commerce. Every economic forecast was pessimistic. Business were shutting down at an alarming rate, and no new ones were forthcoming. The government, instead of helping things was exacerbating the problems. Something far more sinister was behind it all. To top things off, they were dissatisfied with the performance of both parties. No one seemed to be standing for the little guy.

Charles was speaking, "You know Abner, there's got to be something I can do, you know?"

His friend nodded, knowing Charlie was not the kind of guy who just let things go. "Well, you could run for office yourself. Wait, you're not wanting to get into politics, are you?"

"Actually I might, I'm seriously considering it. But..." It seemed an impossibility for a private individual. "How would I go about it? Politics is something I've steered away from all my life."

"The question is, how would we go about it. Let's think a little bit. There is a little more than two years to the next presidential election, so now is the time to act. People will need time to get to know you and decide. Promoting you will not be too hard. We can start with a web site to test the waters and if the response is positive you're on your way. We can learn as we go. If not, we can chalk it up as an idea whose time has not come."

"I guess that makes you my campaign manager as well as business partner."

"Looks that way"

The two men shook hands on the deal right there.

Flash forward to 2036

"And so," the teacher said, "this candidacy was a test, almost a joke really, considering the political climate of the day. It served to answer an obvious question. Could a single-minded individual with the right message and using the right tools take on the powers that be and survive?"

A week later a new site appeared on that used to be the World Wide Web. Charles introduced himself, explained his concerns, asking for like-minded people to respond. He also posted an article giving his take on current events in Washington and what he thought should be done. At the bottom of the page there was a note saying he would come to any group of 15 or more and speak to them personally, with no conditions except a request that they arrange transportation and lodging for him.

"Did people respond?" A student asked.
"Well, yes and no. He did get a fair number of supporters, But no requests to speak for more than three months."
"I guess that was the end of it for him."
"On the contrary, it was just the beginning. Now, I'm afraid we will have to continue this next time."
The bell was ringing. School had to be dismissed for the day.

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