I find it difficult to write about politics. The main reason is I read a lot of conservative and Libertarian blogs. These people are very good and I agree with much of what they say. I do not know if I can add anything to the dialogue that they have not already considered. So this opinion will be a little off the beaten path. Warning: after this I'm going to be really demeaning. (To politicians, not you.)
I have never really liked politics. I could care less about it. But I do - now. I do because I have to. Let me say my regard for politicians is very low. To me they are contemptible. They spend their time trying to figure out new and more devious ways to take away what I have worked for; then they slap each other on the back and tell themselves they've somehow done something good for me. There are not many politicians in Washington who would merit even a handshake from me.
When In finish the statement "Politicians are...." I answer: "stupid". This is not a word I use for most people. When my girls were young we would not allow them to say it. Subsequently the word was largely pared from my working vocabulary. Even today I'll avoid it for most people. Rather I'll come back with something else like, "He's not very bright", or "That's going to hurt." But I do use the term for politicians.
Not just Democrats, either. Republicans, too. Usually I'll phrase it like this: "Republicans are idiots" and "I kind of expect the Democrats to be stupid. It's on the application. There are only two questions. The first is: "Your name" and the other is, "Are you stupid." If the answer is to the affirmative, you're in. I'm only being partly sarcastic on this. The IQ drop when the average politician crosses the Potomac River into Washington is about 50 points. You can see I'm an equal opportunity insulter. As my brother said, "They have earned our disrespect!"
By now if you're still reading this you've probably dismissed me as some wild-eyed crazy guy who's Angry At the World. You may even think I stand on busy street corners with a "The End is Near" sign, in a toga, and never shave. But I am not, in fact, angry. I do take a bath and shave regularly. I do not own a toga and I'm being as coldly logical as I know how to be.
What makes me think that politicians, and now I'm speaking specifically to the party in power are stupid? Two Reasons: First, they say stupid things. Let's try a few: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it...": "The country is ready for a black president - particularly a "light skinned" one with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.": "We are making this up as we go along." The list is long and distinguished. There are too many to note here. The above statements were all made by Dems, or as they are sometimes referred, Dims.
Second, they take up stupid causes. One of them is the notion, for which there is absolutely no evidence, that we will somehow destroy the world by pumping oil out of the ground. The mind-numbing stupidity of this is amazing. They would much rather see up dependent on oil from nations that hate us. The fact of the matter is we've got enough oil to keep us going for hundreds of years. Let's try another one: 'Anthropogenic Climate Change'. They can't use the term 'Global Warming' anymore because the world hasn't gotten warmer in more than 10 years. How many times has this been shown to be a bald baced hoax? Anyone ever heard of Climategate? Yet those who peddle this snake oil continue, and very costly legislation is being considered right now, legislation that will negatively affect every citizen in this country. About a myth!
There are reasons for them to do this, and those are not stupid. Not the least of which is - it gets them on TV. The media loves them. Stupid is as stupid does! A politician can get a lot more publicity for free through backing some crazy scheme than they could ever buy. And why do they want this kind of publicity? Because the Average Joe will look at them in disbelief and dismiss them as kooks. And you thought I was one! That way the political class can pursue their real agenda, which no one in the media bothers to talk about, and only a few will pay attention. Their real purpose is to seize power for themselves. They can only do this by keeping us citizens out of the loop. Otherwise we would immediately see what's going on and get them out of there.
One of the blogs I read on a regular basis is called Tripps Take. (Check out his web site at http://www.trippstake.com/) This guy has a keen sense of what is important to us Average Joe types. I'd like to meet him. An article he posted recently was titled "545". That would be the total number of representatives, including the President and the Supreme Court who are tasked with ruling this nation. The gist of the article is that these representatives are directly responsible for the mess we're in. They can get us out of the mess, too. If those 545 people decided today we would have no deficits, we would not have deficits. If they decided that our taxes were too high they would lower taxes. (Or pass the Fair Tax.) If they decided.... well you get the idea. Insert the issue in the space. Nothing in Washington happens without them making it happen. Yet those same people would have you and I believe that somehow the problems we face are not their fault! Can you see the contempt they have for us? And we're the ones who put them there in the first place.
If we take our nation's population of 300 million and divide it by 545, we come up with a ratio of about 550,458 of us to each one of them. The big question to me is how can a bunch of low-brow, self serving, idiotic kooks like this even get elected in the first place? By hiding their true intentions, of course. Until it is too late. That is why we are in such serious trouble as a nation. For too long we've allowed them to take away our Liberty a little at a time. Now they are doing it on a massive scale. so massive I wonder if there is any way we can survive. There is a ray of hope. We outnumber them - and a lot more Average Joe Citizens are coming around to their real intentions. The time to stop them is now.
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