
Monday, August 31, 2020

By Their Fruits You Shall Know them….

American cities are burning tonight, and have been every night for months. These are not ‘peaceful protests’. Rather, they are criminal acts of violence and lawlessness. They are part of a plan initiated and abetted at the highest levels by one of our two major political parties, the Democrats. These are not their only crimes. Let me list a few more.

-They are the party of abortion. We do not hear about it very much these days, because of the number of years that have passed since the Supreme Court decision. Let me say the entire case involved in Roe vs. Wade was a sham. And the court’s ruling was a severe over-reach of it’s authority. Today the issue is framed by the statement, ‘a woman’s right to choose.’ Choose what? To take away the life of an unborn child? But, that which is growing inside her is not hers! It is genetically unique and separate. Her responsibility is to nurture that life, not take it away. I will bring forward a small but significant statement of fact. “It is incorrect to say that life is created at conception. Actually, life is continued at conception.” If a party is unwilling to uphold the sanctity of life itself, it certainly will not uphold the law. 

-They are the party of socialism and communism. In fact, they almost nominated an avowed and unrepentant communist as their candidate for president. And the current candidate has expressed his full support for those ideals. I will now set you straight about Marx and the various ‘-isms’ that followed him. Marx was an atheist. A man who hated Christianity. He was also a moron. His economics are garbage, and have never been successfully implemented anywhere. The most recent example of the failure of his ideas is Venezuela. By contrast, capitalism is a direct result of the freedoms we have in Christ. If we can enjoy a right relationship with God, we can also enjoy a right relationship with our fellow man. Our system inspires confidence, and has produced the greatest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. 

-They are seditious. The powers that be in the Democratic party willfully conspired to bring down a duly and legally elected President of the United States. Further, they politicized intelligence assets that were supposed to be non-political entities. All cases brought against the current President have been shown to be fabricated. Several of the major players have admitted their guilt and more are under investigation. The Democratic party relentlessly pursued articles of impeachment knowing they were lies, wasting your money in the process and delaying legislation that could be to our benefit. I have a better word for what they have done. Treason.

-They are incompetent. When the pandemic came to our nation, many governors instituted lock-down orders. To what end? We were told the reason was to ‘follow the science’ and  ‘flatten the curve’ so hospitals would not be overwhelmed. Guess what? Except for a few places, they were never overwhelmed. Lockdown policies did little, if any good at all. How do I know this? Because the states that remained free fared no worse than those with severe constraints. Often they did better. Stay at home orders represent an overreach of governmental authority, and a restriction of our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. What they should have done was to protect the ones who were most vulnerable to the virus, keep us informed, and offer advice on the best ways to prevent transmission. But did they? No. They ordered us to stay home! Who do they think they are? Do they really have the power to tell us we can't go to work? Or church? Who made them king? The effect was to make criminals out of decent law abiding citizens who want to make a better life for themselves and their families, not to mention the destruction of jobs and loss of revenue. 

Please understand, I am not trying to downplay the severity of the virus. It's a nasty bug! It targets a protein found primarily in the lungs, and that is why the elderly and those with compromised breathing capacity are the most at risk. However, better than 99% of those who catch the virus recover. This was known early on in the outbreak, but instead of taking steps to protect the few, they tried to shut down all.

-They have aided and abetted lawbreakers and criminals. Months ago, when the riots started, the Democratic mayors in those cities cheered them on, to the point of reducing their own ability to maintain law and order. I am talking about the ‘defund the police’ movement. It goes without saying that crime in those places has skyrocketed. These are elected officials charged with maintaining law and order. Protecting our lives and property is their job! So, what did they do when the chips were down? They disappeared and refused to take action. They told their respective police forces to stand down. The result was massive destruction and loss. This is the same political party that wants to confiscate our guns, and give us no means to defend ourselves. The unrest perpetrated by those criminals every night is manufactured and has the approval of the Democratic party. In the time since the riots have begun not one Democrat has stood on the national stage to condemn it. Not one. 

-They are the enemy of Christianity. If a party has embraced the killing of the innocent, and espouses a dedication to atheistic principles, why would they be a friend to those who live by the codex of scripture and the teachings of Christ? Evidence for this is in yet another overreach of power, by denying churches their Constitutional right to meet. 

I could go on, but I will not. My purpose is to arouse your anger and prompt you to action. Plus, there are many out there in the blogosphere who have a better angle on the events than I do. I invite you to seek out the facts for yourself. The reality is that the Democratic party, by its own actions, has proven itself to be an unrepentant force for unrest, division and crime in this country. The ideals they support are not the ideals of our founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution. Rather, the Democratic party is attempting to usurp our laws and replace them with something else, tyranny. People, this is nothing other than a naked grab for power. They must be stopped, or they will destroy us.  

What are we to do? Fight back, of course. Haven't you had enough of their wanton  destruction, looting, intimidation, and their distain for our flag and Bible? These rioters are in the minority. If free people stand up to them they can and will be defeated. That’s why I am appealing to two groups. First, Christians because the birthright of our nation is Christianity and the foundation of our system of law is the Bible. I also invite every red-blooded American whose heart beats for freedom to stand with me against the Democrats on Nov 3rd. Not just in the all-important presidential race. I am talking about every election: local, state and national. Get rid of them all! Send a powerful message that we will no longer tolerate their behavior. Vote! What’s more, vote in person, for that is the only way you know your vote will legally be counted. This fall we must go the the polls in overwhelming numbers to decisively cast down the corruption of that party. A vote against the Democratic party is a vote for liberty.

They have been weighed in the balances and are found wanting…