
Friday, July 30, 2010

A Matter of Priorities

Priority: "A preferential rating; one that allocates rights to goods and services usually in limited supply: something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives."

We all have priorities whether we acknowledge them or not. They help us order our lives in important ways. Governments also have priorities and how they are arranged tells us a lot about them. In England during the 1600's the idea of Divine Right of Kings was still in vogue, especially by kings, and the church held supreme power below the monarch. (I realize there is some dispute as to whether the king was over the church or vice versa. It's not all that important in this context.) In that time where did the citizen fall? Last of course. In fact they were not called citizens at all. They were subjects. The list of priorities would be as follows: God- King- Church- Subject.

The framers of our Declaration of Independence didn't think very highly of those directives. They came up with something that was unique in all of history. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights: that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." The next sentence reveals their belief about government, "...deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Our Founding Fathers turned the older priority list (mostly) on its head. Their order is: God- Citizens (us)- Government. First and foremost we are responsible to God. Then we pursue our own intersts. Lastly we are answerable to government. Government's first priority is to preserve our right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Bill of Rights is the legal framework for preventing government from usurping power over the citizenry.

What is the order of priorities in our nation today? The President- Government- Us. Notice that God is not there. He has been deleted from the list. In His place is - well - you know. You and I are now subjects. We must first and foremost answer to government. After they steal their 'share' we must make do with what, if anything, is left. I use the word 'steal' correctly because the majority of what they take from us is not authorized by our Constitution.

Generally when an individual's priorities get out of whack everything else in their life goes too and they are in for a fall, or at least some hard times. With our present government and legislators this is also true. We are in deep trouble without a safety net. We have a President who attended a church for 20 years and never seemed to realize the pastor was a racist, whose early heroes were communists and enjoys like minded super-majorities in both houses. The solutions offered so far have been to enlarge government dramatically and spend lots of money (If a trillion is a lot to you.) on questionable projects that have produced little if any results. They have put us on a road to bankruptcy as a nation in more ways than one. They also believe their actions will not be called into account by the very people who voted them into office in the first place.

There is hope if enough Americans will stand. The Declaration of Independence also says this: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government..." The time has come for us to take this to heart. Elections are coming this November. A strong statement must be sent to the powers-that-be of our disapproval. The people we elect to replace them must understand their mission: To return our federal government to its constitutionally designated priorities. It will not be easy. It wasn't easy for our nations Founders either. They fought a war to gain something more important than personal prosperity. Liberty. Today we are fighting a war to keep from losing the same thing.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God Economics: The Broken Window Fallacy

In 1850 a Frenchman by the name of Frederic Bastiat published a work of economics titled: "That Which is Seen and That Which is Unseen." In it he tells a parable to demonstrate economic truth. Today it is called the Broken Window Fallacy.

The essence of the fallacy is this: A man owns a store or shop. His son accidently breaks a window and now it must be fixed. There are some well meaning friends who tell the owner this is a good thing, because it brings business to the window repairman. What would they do if there were no children? Bastiat says this is incorrect. In economic terms there is a net loss, not a gain. The reason is that something of value, the window- has been needlessly destroyed and capitol must be expended to replace it.

The fallacy is exposed when a simple question is asked. "What would the shop owner do with the money if he didn't have to pay for a new window?" He might have bought more stock for his store, shoes or a book. Then the money would have been invested in something of benefit rather than lost.

Taken to extremes this might imply that all the window repairment should hire people to throw rocks because it would produce loads of business for them. Instead it would mean crime and ultimate anarchy.

Believe it or not there are times when a large scale disaster, such as a hurricane is said to be beneficial to a community because it 'stimulates growth'. Money is spent upgrading homes, stores, infrastructure, etc. But, what would people, government agencies and insurance companies otherwise do with the money? It might be invested in all kinds of other worthwhile things.

Bastiat was a pretty smart guy, but it should be known that he was not the originator of this concept. He put into economic terms what was first proposed some eighteen hundred years earlier. The one who originated the idea was another smart guy, none other than the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans. In chapter 5 he is making a contrast between law, sin, faith and grace. He concludes with this: "The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (20,21)

In chapter 6 he begins with an argument to head off those who might take advantage of this grace. He says: "What shall we say then? Should we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!" Sin, in Paul's mind is the behavioral equivalent of the broken window. It causes needless damage and it sends the believer back into a cycle he has been delivered from. Nothing good is accomplished. It would be better to invest that grace in something profitable, like living a life worthy of the resurrected Christ. This is something which has eternal rewards. He is demonstrating the 'economics' of grace so the believer can understand and live accordingly.

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (6:4) What will YOU do with God's grace?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Some Thoughts on Free Will and Predestination

In my last theological discussion the subject was Pharaoh. I attempted to answer this question: "Did God force Pharaoh to do the things he did?" The answer to that question was "no". At all times Pharaoh was able to choose. Today we will discuss some further thoughts on Free Will and Predestination.

A little groundwork is necessary:

We should know that man is a limited creature. Our knowledge is limited. Our time on this earth is limited. We are part of a finite universe. This does not mean we are completely helpless. On the contrary, God created us to work within the confines of this world. We are designed with intelligence to be able to understand nature and work within it. "Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness and let them rule...." (Gen 1:26)

To say I am a completely free agent is incorrect. I cannot do just anything. For example: What if I go crazy one day. I grab my wallet, jump in my car and drive off to Las Vegas. There I drop all my money on the tables and wind up flat broke. I find out pretty quick I really can't do whatever I want. I can do until my credit and cash is used up and my car is out of gas. After that, I starve and I walk. My world is limited to what my own intelligence, energy and opportunity present.

Is it too much of a stretch to suggest I also have some limited choice when it comes to spiritual matters? More on this in a moment. Next we should consider that God limits Himself in His work on Earth. This does not mean that God is limited. He purposefully works this way in order to gain greater glory. God performed miracles in the past like the parting of the Red Sea. Jesus also carried out miracles during His ministry here. Yet today we do not see those same types of actions; even though God reserves the right to them at any time. God has chosen to primarily work through several means - The lives of believers, the Scriptures, and the Church.

I have a small problem with the Calvinistic teaching of Unconditional Election. That would be that God picks who He wants to be saved. I believe we do have some (perhaps very small) choice in the matter. For two reasons:

First: The language suggests so. When Peter was preaching on the day of Pentecost his listeners were so convicted they did not wait for the invitation. They yelled at Peter and the others: "Brethren, what shall we do?" Peter's reply: "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ...." We also know he continued to preach to them. The word Repent means to change your thinking. That requires an act of will. A decision has to be made. Later, in Acts 16 we have the Philippian Jailer kneeling at Paul's feet. "What must I do to be saved?", he cried. Paul's reply: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved." Again, belief implies an act of will. All the language of the New Testament whether it be preaching, personal testimony, or written Epistle is presented as if the individual must make a decision concerning Christ.

Second: God gets greater glory. There is some criticism from Calvinist teaching that if we do have a choice somehow we are in collaboration with God for our salvation. This can become a point of pride. In effect we are agents of our own salvation. Let me ask a few leading questions: Who created the World? Who created us? Who created this wonderful Plan of Salvation? Who applied this Plan consistentenly throughout history? Who sent His Son to die on die on the cross? Who demonstrated His Power by resurrection from the dead? Who convicts us about the need for salvation? Who saves us? Who seals our souls forever?

Where in all this is any point of pride on my part? Nowhere. It is all because of Him. The thought question I would like to present is this: Does God achieve greater glory because He picked certain individuals for salvation? Or: If He so constructs His message that everyone must make a choice, in their own limited way, to accept Him?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Reflections on a Wedding

June 12, 2010

I woke up early that morning with a song playing in my head. The song is from a movie we had watched many times when the girls were young. "My Fair Lady" and the part was when her dad was singing "....get me to the church on time..." I knew today was going to be a good one, but I was still prepared to help with any emergencies that arose. Days like this always have a few anomalies. Not to worry. We would get to the church on time. In fact we would arrive almost 5 hours before the wedding for pictures. It was going to be a long day....

I first met her just a few minutes after she was born. Her delivery took place at the Medical College of Virginia, a teaching hospital. Some of the med students were invited in for the delivery, so she came into the breathing world among a crowd. Just after birth they all took her over to the corner accompanied by coos and baby talk while they felt her fingers and pulled her toes. I smiled at them. There's something amazing about a new baby! Moments later she was in my arms and I looked into her unblinking eyes for the first time.

"You are Elizabeth Michelle Hall", I said. She was mine. And yet she wasn't. I knew that down the road one day she would be on her own. At that time I didn't care. I could not take my eyes off her. At the wedding James' sister Becky would tell me he sort of had a crush on Michelle in the first grade. I told her I've had a crush on her since she was born. Tears came into my eyes when I said it, and I could hardly finish the sentence. Wow! Emotions are really near the surface on days like today. The smallest things can set them off. I determined to try and avoid those moments, if possible.

There were some minor emergencies. I had to make a quick trip back to the hotel because something was left there, returning in time to take a few pictures with Michelle and the rest of the wedding party....

We named her Elizabeth after my grandmother. But we intended from the start to call her by her middle name of Michelle. We found out later this can cause problems. Usually with banks, health and legal forms. The require her full name, so it gets a little mixed up sometimes. Sorry about that!

I had been given a master key and it came in handy that morning. Our coordinator, Barbara had locked the building after the wedding party changed to help secure their personal items. A great idea. Early in the day I headed over to the gym to set up the tables and chairs. My granddaughter Makenzie, age 5, wanted to help. No problem! I would un-stack the chairs and she would slide them into place. She even helped me with the tables. We make a great team.

I stayed busy and before long guests were arriving. I did not have to hide like others in the wedding party, so I was able to greet some family and friends. Soon I was asked to take my starting position. I had the greatest honor, to escort her down the aisle. At around that time another challenge presented itself. My grandson Elijah had fallen a few minutes before. He had a lump on his head and was in no mood to attend to his wedding duties. He was crying and clutching a couple of prized possessions; Lucky, his stuffed dog, a Pez dispenser and a sheet from his coloring book. We all tried to assuage his grief, but to no avail. Finally he agreed to walk down the aisle with his soon to be 2nd cousin. He got as far as his dad....

When the girls were young we had this bedtime ritual. I would read them a story and pray with them as I put them to bed. Usually they would try and get me to read more than I planned. I would often comply. It's just sleep! Every night Michelle would ask me to hold her hand while she fell asleep, which I did. There were times when I didn't feel like doing this, but I said nothing. I preferred to give those moments of comfort and miss whatever TV show I wanted to watch. I remember once, when she was a little older, it literally took about 10 seconds for her to fall into dreamland. I can still feel her little hand relaxing in mine as she drifted away.

The rest of the wedding party are now headed down the aisle, the doors to the sanctuary are shut and I'm alone with her while we wait for our cue. I had thought about what I would say -but the words escaped me. There was only the moment at hand. I reveled in the fact that I was near this beautiful lady in the white dress. In a few minutes she would no longer be mine. We chatted about little things, like TV shows, and I felt her hand at my bent elbow. A moment later the door opened and we continued talking as we walked down the aisle. Every eye was on us - no - her. I may as well have been invisible....

Her bedroom was small, so I decided to make her a loft bed. Then we could put some things under it and she would have more floor space. It took me a little while to come up with the design, but the end result was pretty good. When she went off to college I made a remark that I could now get rid of that old thing, but she quickly informed me, in no uncertain terms, that it was hers and one day her children would sleep on that bed. I was secretly pleased.

I blew my line. When Pastor Gray said, "Who gives this woman?" I was to say, "Her mother and I do." I barely got it out. Tears blurred my eyes. Those emotions again! I stepped back and joined her hand with James' hand. My part in the wedding was over. I do not remember anything of the ceremony. Not a single word - even though I paid close attention. All too soon Pastor Gray was, "Introducing for the first time, Mr and Mrs James Snyder!" The music began and we all stood as the newly formed couple exited....

She had always been a determined young lady. While this got her into a bit of trouble at times, I've admired her for it. One year we were on vacation at Nags Head and it rained. So we went into the town of Manteo to find things to do. A YMCA was there and it didn't cost very much for a pass to the facilities. In this case we were interested in the swimming pool. We played for a long time. Michelle had just learned to hold her breath and swim underwater. She would start at the side of the pool and swim to me. Each time I would step back a little to see if she could go further. The last time I was against the opposite wall. She swam the width of the pool underwater. When she came up she said, "That hurt, daddy," and I knew she had reached her limit. I held her and said soft, nice things to her while she recovered. A few minutes later she was ready to go again.

The reception was great. Our caterer had baked not one but three cakes, chocolate, strawberry and lemon. All were very tasty. Call me biased, but it was the best wedding cake I've ever had. (Except for her sister's wedding, of course. The same caterer did both of them.) I had dibs on the leftovers. I didn't eat as much as I could have, preferring to talk to guests and family. I had also been tasked with introducing the happy couple when they appeared. After some thought I came up with, "I would like to introduce to you my daughter, Elizabeth Michelle..." I paused and looked at her, "...Snyder and her brand new husband James Richard Snyder." I said this for my Aunt Faye. She lost her beloved Facie earlier this year. Read my earlier post titled, "Tribute: You Were one of a Kind." About a third of the way down you'll find out why.

After a while Michelle came over to me and expressed a desire to leave as soon as possible. However, there was a small glitch. James' travel clothes were still in the changing room. They needed to be in the car. I was off the make the correction. After the couple left, the party started to break up. The various professionals who needed payment were already taken care of and just a couple of details remained. These were duly attended to and I realized then how much my feet hurt from standing in rented shoes all day.

That evening I was in the hotel trying to put my thoughts in perspective. The best I could come up with I wrote on my Facebook page: "Two great lights came together today. Now an even greater one shines." May it ever be so.